Vanco Import Error

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Vanco Import Error

Post by beas »

Since I installed the current MR yesterday, when I try to look at what is ready to import from Vanco, I get an error: "Transit Access Account is not used in Fund __, with a fund number (e.g. 02). I have never had this error show up. I looked at the import setup which has 1130-000 as the transit access account. It has worked fine forever and again, I've never seen this error. Anyone else having this problem?
Bill Beasley
Neighborhood Church
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Re: Vanco Import Error

Post by beas »

Checking back on the MR info from yesterday, I see there was something dealing with with Vanco import.
Bill Beasley
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Re: Vanco Import Error

Post by NeilZ »

beas wrote:
Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:31 pm
Checking back on the MR info from yesterday, I see there was something dealing with with Vanco import.
Do you have the transit access account setup for Fund 02?
Neil Zampella

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Re: Vanco Import Error

Post by beas »

I didn't up until yesterday and the latest MR. I only had it set up for Fund 1 and it has been working forever. I am just guessing here, but PC must have been looking for the 1130-000 account line and using the first one it found. And that worked just fine.

It appears that now it requires an 1130-000 in each fund that has imported funds. I don't know if that was an intended change. I'm going to add the 1130 account to each of my funds and see if that works.

UPDATE: Added the 1130 to all funds. Then it wanted the expense account in every fund. I did that as well and now I can see the imports. Again, yesterday before the MR it was doing the import just fine. Now it requires these account lines in each fund.

Would have been nice if PC had given a little more detail on what actually changed. Here's what we received:

Import from Vanco - Account validation issues on setup

Oh, well, I'll work with it. First time I've run into this kind of thing. Been using PC+ since 1988.
Bill Beasley
Neighborhood Church
Albany, Oregon
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Re: Vanco Import Error

Post by Zorak »

PowerChurch was previously enforcing that the Transit Asset and Fees Expense accounts were set up in the Accounting Fund that the Debit (Bank) account was in on all Contribution Funds. We found in one particular user's case, where they had Contribution Funds with accounts assigned out of balance (meaning Debit to Fund 01 and Credit to Fund 02, for example), that we were creating a transaction referencing accounts that don't exist in Fund Accounting. That is easily avoidable by properly validating the accounts that you create for Vanco import are used in all the Accounting Funds that you have in use in Contributions.

We thought that is what it was doing all along, but for some reason didn't see the use case of people purposefully assigning CO Funds in an OOB fashion.

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Re: Vanco Import Error

Post by beas »

Thanks, Zorak. Kind of what I figured.
Bill Beasley
Neighborhood Church
Albany, Oregon
User since ~1988

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