Yearly Calendar

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Yearly Calendar

Post by fbctnc »

Power Church Online
Our church is looking for a program that will push out notifications to church members for events on our calendar. Will the Events module handle this? If so, how do you begin? If not, any suggestions.


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Re: Yearly Calendar

Post by NeilZ »

fbctnc wrote:
Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:49 pm
Power Church Online
Our church is looking for a program that will push out notifications to church members for events on our calendar. Will the Events module handle this? If so, how do you begin? If not, any suggestions.

While the desktop version does allow such notices to be sent automatically, it relies on the Windows task manager to do this. This is not available for Powerchurch Online.

However, if you have someone who would start the process, it can be done from PCPlus Online. Basically, when you setup the event, you would create a task and assign that task to everyone who you want to notify.
Neil Zampella

Using PC+ since 1999.

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