Latest News and Announcements

01/04/2024 - Version 14 Maintenance Release

A new Maintenance Release dated 01/04/2024 has been released for PowerChurch Plus Version 14.

The update will automatically download and install, but you can trigger the download by going to Help > Download Maintenance Release. You can also manually download and install the Maintenance Release by visiting

PowerChurch Online servers will be updated automatically overnight. For PowerChurch Online users, no further action needs to be taken.

This Maintenance Release includes the following:


  • Modify Unposted Contributions - Minimize then Normalize the form resizes each time, making it smaller and smaller

Music Library

  • Maintain Custom Codes - The form is checking user permissions in Contributions instead of Music Library


  • Alabama tax withholding is not calculating properly on Process Payroll for salary employees
  • Connecticut tax tables now require 50 tax brackets, previously there were 40
  • Georgia tax withholding is not calculating properly for most employees
  • Iowa tax tables were redesigned for 2024
  • Maine tax tables were redesigned for 2024
  • Montana tax tables were redesigned for 2024