Data Conversion
Please complete the short form below to get an estimated cost of data conversion service. If you would like to have data converted that is not listed in this form, or if merging multiple data sets together, please use the space provided to explain what information you would like to have converted and from what programs. In either of those scenarios, we will need to get the data files from you before being able to issue a quote for the data conversion service. Click here to return to the Data Conversion information page.


Note: This is required data.
Includes contact information, such as name, address, phone, and e-mail. Also includes dates, member status, mailing preferences, and any other custom status codes that you have assigned.

Includes small group activities such as Sunday School classes, committees, choir, etc. Also can be used to track skills, such as musician, carpenter, and computer maintenance.

Note: Activities & Skills data is required if converting Attendance.
Attendance data in PowerChurch is person, date, and activity specific. It is not possible to record attendance counts for a date. You must have a Present, Absent, Excused, or Not Applicable status for each person for each date for this information to be converted. Otherwise, it is not possible for attendance data to be converted.

Note: If you do not have envelope number/contributor ID assigned in your existing data, this will be added automatically in the data conversion. Envelope numbers are required in PowerChurch.
Contribution data includes the list of "funds" or different things people are able to contribute to, and date-specific giving history.

Note: Contribution data is required if converting Pledges.
Pledges/Faith Promises can be added to the Contribution data. PowerChurch allows you to set up pledges with weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or "one-time" pay frequency. Each pledge is envelope, fund, and date range specific. A contributor can have multiple pledges going on at the same time as long as the pledges are to different funds.

Note: Accounting information can never be converted in PowerChurch. This includes accounts, balances, budgets, transactions, etc.
If you have non-accounting data that is not listed in one of the groups above, we may still be able to convert it for you. Our developers will need to see the data to be converted before issuing a quote for the actual cost of the conversion.

Please provide details about the additional information that you would like to have converted:

If you have data in more than one program or data set that you will need combined into a single PowerChurch data set, the process is much more complex. Our developers will need to see the data to be converted before issuing a quote for the actual cost of the conversion.
Please provide details about the programs you are converting from and the data contained in each:

Church/Organization Information

(program name)
(program version)
(For example: username/password required to access the backup, known problems in your existing data, or any other useful information you can pass along to our developers)

How will you be sending in your data?

Note: At this time, only archive files (zip, rar, tar, gz, 7z, ace) can be uploaded using this form. The files will be uploaded when you click the Begin The Data Conversion Process button below. Please do not close this browser window until you see the confirmation message that the process is complete.
If the program you are using creates backup files in a different file format, please refer to this article for more information on creating zip files. There is no limitation on the size of the file that you upload.

If you have already uploaded the file to a web-accessible address or file sharing service, please provide the download link below:

Select this option if you will be mailing in a CD or other media containing the data files. Send to the following address:
PowerChurch Software
Attn: Data Conversion
601 Alliance Ct
Asheville, NC 28806

Please verify that all the required information has been entered before submitting this form.