Knowledge Base

Sharing the PowerChurch folder in Windows 10

This article is part of a series - Networking Instructions for PowerChurch Plus. If your server/host computer is not Windows 10, go back to the main article and click the appropriate link for Server Setup for your Windows version.

To share the PowerChurch folder, do the following:

  • Open Computer.
  • Find Local Disk C and grouped under that, the "PowerChurch" folder. Note: Versions 8 and 8.5 weren't installed into a PowerChurch folder by default. They were installed directly to C:\PCPLUS8\ and C:\PCPLUS85\. Versions 9 and higher will all have a PowerChurch folder.
  • Click the right mouse button on the PowerChurch folder and choose Give Access To.
  • Choose "Specific People".
  • Choose or add individual network/domain users you want to share with, or choose Everyone from the list.
  • For Permission Level, choose "Owner".


You are now ready to move on to set up the workstation. Return to the Networking Instructions for PowerChurch Plus article and click the appropriate link for your workstation's Windows version.

Created: 01/18/2019
Last updated: 07/25/2021